25% of East Africans possess Asian and European ancestry   

16 November 2018 : The African Exponent conduced a research on the first-ever DNA sequencing carried out on the skull of the 4,500-year old 'Mota man’, which was found in an Ethiopian cave. According to this study, over 109 Million East Africans of the current population of the entire region ( about 25%) posses Eurasian DNA.

How is that possible?

About 3000 years ago, a million of migrants moved from Western Eurasia to Eastern Africa. At that time, the migrants totalled to one-third of the entire population in the African region.

Reacting to the report, Dr Andrea Manica, senior author of the study, from the University of Cambridge said: “Roughly speaking, the wave of West Eurasian migration back into the Horn of Africa could have been as much as 30 per cent of the population that already lived there – and that, to me, is mind-blowing."


He added, "With an ancient genome, we have a direct window into the distant."

The findings of this research have been published in the Journal Science.

Reporting for EasyKobo on Friday , 16 November 2018 in Lagos, Nigeria

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