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  1st Free Stock Trials in Nigeria  
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Winning Date
Feb 18 2021
1st prize - N 35,000
2nd prize - N 10,000
3rd Prize - N 5,000
Welcome To Nigeria's 1st Free Stock Trials
Begin with N 100 million* & call the shots

Nov 24 2020 - Feb 18 2021
Lockdown Stock Trials

Hall of fame
Name Value Total Gain
1.aluta 1,780,331,000 +1680.33%
2.Joddin 1,004,118,864 +904.12%
3.Blacnyt 335,777,500 +235.78%
4.Seafra 321,137,702 +221.14%
5.joro 290,072,143 +190.07%
* 100 million is play money and not real money
* No Shortselling
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