Ex-Nissan boss escapes Japan lands in Lebanon   

Jan 2 (Lagos) - The ex-boss of Nissan Motors Mr. Ghosn who was under investigation in Japan for corruption charges managed to escape the country and appeared in Lebanon on Dec 30th. 

Japanese authorities are still trying to figure out how he managed to flee. In April 2019 he posted bail of almost USD 8.9 million in Japan. He was monitored by 24 hrs surveillance at his home. There are rumors that he escaped in a musical instrument of a band that was arranged to perform at his home. 

He once held a cult status in Japanese auto industry as he was responsible for turning Nissan around and had a nickname "the cost killer". Mr. Ghosn tweeted on Dec 30 from Lebanon announcing that he has escaped the rigged justice system of Japan. 

Japanese meanwhile are trying to understand how he managed to escape. And in Lebanon there is political edge to this story as politicians are questioning which passport he used to enter the country. Mr. Ghosn has big investments in Lebanon wine industry and was once touted as the country's future president. Lebanon has gone through large scale protests in October 2019 and the general public mood is against rich and powerful. 
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